
The term asset in Hudu refers to any named item that is stored within a customizable asset layout.
Asset layouts, then, are the categories created to separate and organize your assets; typically based on an overarching theme to which the assets relate (i.e. “Contacts”, “Computer Devices”, “Sites”).
Assets would then have cards; which separate an asset's information based on the source from which the data was input.

    For example; we may have an asset layout that we call “Desktops”, and within this “Desktops” asset layout, we’ll have individual Desktop assets. The information stored on each particular desktop asset is organized into separate cards; based on how the information was brought into Hudu.

    For additional information on how asset information is organized, visit Asset Layouts and The Card.



Creating Asset Layouts

Creating asset layouts can be accomplished in the Hudu admin area. Asset layout creation and management are therefore limited to Hudu admin and super admin user roles within your organization.

    For additional information on building asset layouts, visit Asset layouts.


Creating Assets

This section will cover populating asset layouts with client-specific, relevant information (i.e. creating assets that belong to a certain asset layout).
Creating assets can be done by user roles of author and above (as long as no security permissions are restricting them from doing so).
  • Navigate to a client interface (space) within your Hudu environment.
  • Towards the bottom of the left-hand sidebar, look for the section titled Other. Under this section, you'll find all of your active asset layouts.
  • Hover over an asset layout and click the ((+)) Add button to add a new asset.
  • Or click into the asset layout and select ((+New)) in the top right-hand corner.
    • This window should contain all of your created fields for the specific asset layout type.
    • Enter the information required based on the format and structure designated by your team.
  • Ensure that you click either Create OR Create and Add Another to save your asset.


Editing Assets

When adding an asset, you'll have the option to add information to any of the custom fields you chose for the particular asset layout. If you'd like to edit the information contained within these custom fields for a particular asset:

  • Navigate to a client space and click on the individual asset you'd like to edit.
  • Click the Pencil and Paper Edit icon.
  • From here, you can choose to alter and/or add additional information to the asset fields.
    • To edit what fields are available, you'll need to add or edit the fields associated with the Asset layout.


Managing Assets

The sections below will show you how to use the various management tools built into Hudu for stored assets. Author and editor user roles (in addition to admins and super-admins) have varying access to the management tools for assets (see below for permissions). Expand the section to learn more.
Bulk Actions
  • Navigate to an asset layout within an individual client interface.
  • From here, you can manage all assets stored within this particular asset layout. You can:
    • Export asset list to .csv format;
    • Bulk Actions allows you to move assets in bulk to other companies, archive to the museum or permanently delete (admins & super-admins only);
    • or Manage Asset Layout, which takes you back to the admin asset creation and editing page.
Individually Manage
  • Navigate to an asset layout within an individual client interface (space).
    • For example; navigate to a 'Desktops' asset layout, within 'Company X'.
  • From here, click on a specific asset stored within the asset layout (ex. 'Michael's Desktop').
  • Click on the More Options Ellipses in the top right.
  • From this window, you'll be able to:
    • Favorite: Favorite the asset to show up in your 'My Favorites' on your dashboard.
    • Duplicate: Clone the asset.
    • Mark as Gold Standard: Mark this asset as an example to follow.
    • Flag: Mark the asset for later review.
    • Archive: Hide inactive documentation, items get moved to the museum.
    • Unarchive: Bring asset out of the museum.
    • Permanent Delete: Remove documentation forever (available only to admins and super-admins).
    • Change Permissions: Change viewing permissions (available only to admins and super admins).
    • View Current Access: See which users can currently access the asset.
Permissions and Roles Required
  • Spectators and above can view assets.
  • Authors and above can create, update, and will be able to Duplicate and Archive from the More Options menu.
  • Editors and above can Duplicate, Flag and Archive from the More Options menu.
  • Admins and Super Admins have all options available from the More Options menu.



The sections below will serve to introduce tools associated with assets, which include additional organization, management, and documentation strategies. Expand each section for an overview of the feature.

Gold Standards
Gold standards allow you to mark/designate high-quality documentation (asset entries) for other technicians to follow. If an asset layout has assets marked as Gold Standards', upon creation of all new assets, the gold standard assets will be available to view.

    For more information on this, visit Gold Standards.

Relationships within Hudu allow you to connect relevant assets to other items, such as related credentials, KB articles, processes, etc.

    For additional information on relating assets to other information, visit our Relationships article.

File Storage
The Files section is a module that allows users to add files to an asset. Any user can view the files attached. If a user is at least an "Author" role, they are able to upload their own files.
The Files section can be found on the right-hand sidebar. Click the drop box to browse files to upload OR drag and drop files directly into the section to add. These files will populate into list format.
To update the name of the file, click the ((Edit)) icon to the right of the file name. Ensure that you click save after updating the name.

    There is no limit to the number of files allowed to be uploaded but said uploaded individual files cannot exceed 100 MB per file.

Photo Storage
The Photos section is a module that allows users to add photos to an asset. This allows pictures to be viewed in the browser and not require an immediate download, like the "Files" module.
Click into the photos section on the right-hand sidebar to browse photos to upload OR drag and drop photos directly into the section to add. These photos will appear in thumbnail view and can be clicked on to enlarge. All photos added to assets will also show in the Photos section on the left-hand sidebar under the Core assets. 

    Picture format can be PNG, JPG, or GIF but must be no more than 100 MB in size per individual upload.

The comments section allows for simple text-field entries and serves to provide an area for any additional information that may not fit directly into your asset layout fields or other categories/sections.


Additional Abilities

The sections below will serve to introduce additional features associated with assets. The items below can all be found at the bottom of the right-hand action menu when inside an asset page.

Revision Histories
Revision histories serve to provide a breadcrumb trail of when edits to the asset were performed, as well as by who. To access the revision history for an asset, click the user's name that last performed an action for the asset. 
To view an older version, navigate down the timeline to the desired previous version or navigate by selecting the Older Version or Newer Version buttons. 
To revert back to an older version, select Revert to Version.
Activity Logs
Activity Logs serve to provide a detailed information page on what actions have been performed to assets stored within Hudu.

    Any action performed on an asset is recorded within the assets’ specific activity log by clicking on View all activity in the bottom right; as well as in the Hudu admin area >> (Global Activity Logs).

Activity logs can be filtered by:
  • Client name.
  • The action performed;
  • By the user who performed the action;
  • or by the IP address from which the action was performed.
View current access
This feature will allow admins and super-admins to view who has access to the specific asset information.
  • Users that have access to the asset will be designated by a green check mark.
  • Users that are restricted from accessing the asset will be designated by a red X.
Printable Versions
Physical copies of asset information may still be required; by clicking the Print Icon located on the top right of the page and selecting Printable Version, you'll open a new tab with a copy of your asset, in printable format.

    Printable versions will only contain information that is contained within your custom card (info added to the custom asset layout fields). This will not include information contained within integration cards.

Generate QR Codes
Quick-Response codes (QR codes) can be generated for any of your assets stored within. Click the print option and select Generate QR code and a new window will pop up containing the QR code. 
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