WebHooks are automated messages sent from apps when something happens. They have a message—or payload— and are sent to a unique URL; named WebHook URL. This article will serve to assist with sending WebHook notifications to a Slack channel.
Before setting up notifications to Slack, please read over our Alerts article to learn basic concepts and useful tips.
In order to set up WebHook notifications to Slack, you will need:
- A Slack workspace and channel (within the workspace) that you want messages to arrive in.
- Admin or super-admin user role within Hudu.
At any time, you can come back to the Hudu admin area >> Alerts >> edit specific alert to make changes to the alert.
Enabling Alerts
- Navigate to your Hudu admin area >> Alerts.
- Click ((+ New Alert)).
- Give your alert a name.
- Select the expiration type from the choices and complete the required fields (see Alerts for more information).
- Click Configure WebHook and obtain the required WebHook URL from Slack.
- Provide payload delivery information in the WebHook payload field (must be valid JSON format).
- Save the alert by clicking ((Create Alert)).
Obtaining the Slack WebHook URL
- Navigate to your Slack Workspace, and into the channel that you'd like messages to be sent to.
- Click on your Slack Workspace Name >> Settings & Administration >> Manage Apps.
- In the window that opens, click Build in the top right of the toolbar (next to your workspace name).
- Alternatively, navigate to https://api.slack.com/apps/
- Click Create an App >> from scratch.
- Name the app and choose a workspace (choose the workspace that you'd like to receive the notifications in).
- Click Create App.
- Select Incoming WebHooks and activate incoming WebHooks on the next window.
- Click Add New WebHook to Workspace and select which channel you'd like to send notifications to.
- Copy the newly generated WebHook URL into Hudu WebHook alert settings exactly.
WebHook Payloads
In order to have a message generated in your Slack, you will need to deliver a payload. A payload is a piece of essential information in a data block that you send to or receive from the server when making API requests. The payload must be sent or received in JSON format. - Here are some examples of WebHook Payloads:
"type": "home",
"blocks": [
"type": "section",
"text": {
"type": "mrkdwn",
"text": "There are *$EXPIRATIONS_COUNT* expirations expiring within *$TRIGGER_DAYS* days. View: $EXPIRATIONS_HUDU_URL"
"type": "home",
"blocks": [
"type": "section",
"text": {
"type": "mrkdwn",
"text": "*$WEBSITE_NAME* appears to be down. View: $WEBSITE_HUDU_URL"
Testing WebHooks
- Navigate to your Hudu admin area >> Alerts and find your created alert from the list.
- Click on Test WebHook.
We are only testing your connection and payload, not your variables; sample variables will be filled in.
Alternative Guides
The guides below will serve to assist with setting up WebHook notifications to alternative common providers.