ConnectWise PSA (Manage)

One native integration that can be set up within Hudu is ConnectWise Manage.
Before setting up your CW Manage integration, please read over our Understanding Integrations article to learn basic concepts and useful tips.
In order to set up an integration with ConnectWise Manage, you will need:
  • Access to retrieve ConnectWise Manage API credentials.
  • Admin or super-admin user role within Hudu.

    At any time, you can come back to your Hudu admin area >> Integrations >> ConnectWise Manage to make changes to the integration.

Integration Features

Hudu's integration with ConnectWise Manage allows you to sync over:
  • Companies.
    • Create client spaces within Hudu directly from CW Manage companies, or seamlessly merge them into existing (already-created) client spaces.
  • Contacts.
    • Pull contacts directly from CW Manage and easily sort into an asset layout of your choice ("People", "Contacts", "Company A employees", etc.)
  • Configurations.
    • Pull configuration information from CW Manage; sorted into asset layouts based on set sort rules and your primary sync location(s).
  • Agreements.
    • Pull in active agreements to allow for visibility on client spaces within Hudu.
  • Sites.
    • Pull in Sites from client spaces in CW Manage

What Hudu needs from ConnectWise Manage

  • ConnectWise Domain.
  • Company.
  • Public Key.
  • Private Key.



Enabling Integrations

Integrations can be enabled at any point during your Hudu environment testing and/or during production. Integrations can be merged into your existing documentation based on set rules; providing the ability to start with integration setup, or easily connect them at a later date. To enable the ConnectWise Manage integration:
  • Navigate to Hudu admin area >> Integrations.
  • Select ConnectWise Manage from the list.

    If you're running on a Hudu version before, you'll need to select create integration.


Obtaining the ConnectWise Manage Information

  • Navigate to your ConnectWise Manage portal.
  • Click on System >> Security Roles >> (( + )) to create a new security role.
  • In the Role ID field, give your new security role a name, then click the Save Icon.


  • In the section named Security Modules for Role, you will be presented with a list of headings.
    • Expand all the headings to help easily read them.
  • You will need the following roles:
Companies Add Level  Edit Level  Delete Level  Inquire Level 
Company maintenance All All None All 
Configuration-display passwords None None None All
Configurations All All None All
Contacts All All None All
Service Desk Add Level  Edit Level  Delete Level  Inquire Level 
Service tickets None None None All
System Add Level  Edit Level  Delete Level  Inquire Level 
API reports All All None All
Member Maintenance None None None All
Table setup None None None All
Finance Add Level  Edit Level  Delete Level  Inquire Level 
Agreements None None None All
  • Hit Save.
  • You now need to create a member in ConnectWise that uses this role.
  • Navigate to System >> Members >> API Members.
    • Add a new API Member with the following:
      • Member ID: Choose a valid ID to describe the user (for example, HUDU API Integrator)
      • License Class: API
      • First Name and Last Name: Choose any first and last name.
      • Time Zone: Choose a time zone for the user (see here for more info).
      • System:
        1. Role ID: Choose the security role we created earlier.
        2. Level: We strongly recommend choosing the highest level of access (e.g. Level 1).
        3. Name: Corresponds to the level, for example, "Corporate".
  • Create an API key for the user, and enter it into Hudu exactly.
    • Copy your CW Manage domain and company name and paste them into Hudu.
      • This should follow the format:
      • Do not include "HTTPS:" or any "/"
      • Company name (example: mymsp)
    • Copy the public and private keys from ConnectWise and paste them into Hudu.
  • Save the settings.

    Make sure to test the integration for a successful connection before continuing; do not continue on until you see a connection successful message display.

  • Start the sync. After inputting all settings and ensuring the connection was successful; start the sync to push initial data to Hudu from ConnectWise Manage (this is required before moving on).


Matching Companies

Before your companies (and their corresponding data) from ConnectWise Manage can be brought into Hudu, they must first be matched to companies that either already exist within your Hudu environment; OR to companies that you create now.

    Hudu recommends matching one company first, for testing purposes, to ensure that your information comes over correctly.

  • The first time your integration connection runs successfully, it will attempt to bring in companies from CW Manage; these are then added to the Matched Companies List of that integration.
    • Navigate to Hudu admin area >> Integrations >> and find ConnectWise Manage from the list. Click into it.
    • It should now have a button that says Match Companies.
    • Go through the list of companies and either bulk create/match all OR decide to:
      • Match the company to an existing (already created) client in Hudu;
      • Create a matched client within Hudu from a CW Manage company;
      • Leave unmatched, company (and corresponding data) will not be created/brought into Hudu.
  • Once you have matched your companies, you must re-run the integration import to fill in all the data for the newly matched/created companies.



Select Sync Locations

The ConnectWise Manage integration requires you to Select Sync Locations for Contacts and Locations as well as a Primary Sync Location for configurations that serves as your "junk drawer" asset layout; storing the information that is being pulled in, but not otherwise told where to be placed.


  • Navigate back to your Hudu admin area >> Integrations >> CW Manage ((Edit Settings)).
  • Choose asset layouts (must be active asset layouts) from the list to designate as the primary sync locations.

    If you don't see/have not created any asset layouts yet, you’ll need to create these. Visit Asset Layouts for additional information!


Other Options

  • Choose which items, if any, you'd like to skip from being brought into Hudu.
  • You have the option to skip importing:

    • Inactive Companies.
      • If you don't skip inactive companies, then they will automatically arrive in Hudu as archived companies.
    • Contacts. You can choose to skip.
    • Agreements. You can choose to skip.
    • Configurations. You can choose to skip.
    • Inactive Configurations. You can choose to skip.
    • Locations. You can choose to skip.
    • Company Types. You can choose to skip one or more company type.
      • You will need to run one import (with no companies matched) before you have the option to skip certain company types.
    • Certain Configuration Types
      • You will need to run one import (with no companies matched) before you have the option to skip certain configuration types. 

Additional Options

  • Choose whether you would like the following additional options to be automatically applied:
    • Auto-update names of Assets. If name is changed in CW Manage, the name will automatically be updated in Hudu.
    • Do not update basic company details. This will prevent the company details from being changed in Hudu if they are changed in CW Manage.






Sort Rules

Sort rules allow you to select which data types (from ConnectWise Manage) will be mapped into which asset layouts (within Hudu). They allow you to specify certain "rules" for asset types as to where they get placed; any asset types that are brought in, but are not told where to be placed via sort rules, will be placed into the corresponding primary sync location.
The asset layouts that you're choosing to sort into can be created beforehand (Hudu admin area >> Asset Layouts; ensure that they're marked active) OR you can create new asset layouts here.


  • Save your settings and stop/start your integration sync again to reflect your changes.


Setting Up Automatic Links

You can set up links to automatically open Hudu companies from ConnectWise Manage.
  • Navigate to the CW Manage dashboard >> System >> Setup Tables.
  • From the Category drop-down list, select General.
  • Click Links from the Tables drop-down list.
  • Click the (( + )) to create a new link with the following:
    • Link Name: Hudu (the name that you want to appear in drop-down menus)
    • Table Reference: Company
    • Link Definition:
      • Ensure that you replace with your Hudu URL
    • Click Save and Close.
  • Now in ConnectWise, when inside a company that is being synced to Hudu, you can select Hudu from the drop-down list of links (as shown).




How often do integrations sync?

Answer: Native integrations will automatically re-sync (update) every 3 hours.
You can also use either the global or the card-specific re-sync features to refresh native integration syncs at any point.

Why is my integration taking a long time to finish?

Answer: If the ConnectWise Manage sync has been loading for a significant amount of time (it can take up to 10 minutes), follow the steps below:

    • Test the connection to ensure Hudu and CW Manage are communicating correctly.
    • Verify your CW Manage credentials.
    • Refresh the page (while a sync is actively running).
    • Stop the sync and restart the sync.
Accidentally deleted an integration card; how do I get this back?

Answer: It should appear on subsequent re-syncs. If it is still not appearing, ensure that it has not been archived; and still exists in your sort rules.

Notes: Active integrations sync automatically every 3 hours; manual re-syncs can be performed either within an integrations’ settings page or by clicking the top right re-sync button.

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