To securely generate a LetsEncrypt SSL Certificate without leaving ports 443 and 80 open, consider using the Cloudflare LetsEncrypt DNS Challenge. This approach provides a more secure and flexible option for certificate generation.
Setup a self-hosted Hudu instance using the Standard Self-Hosted Setup Guide. Make sure DNS is already verified by Cloudflare.
In the .env file in the ~/hudu2 directory, change VALIDATION from http to dns and add the following lines that are shown in bold:
Run the following commands to install certbot:
sudo apt-get install certbot python3-certbot-nginx
sudo apt-get install python3-certbot-dns-cloudflare
Take Hudu down and back up:
sudo docker compose down && sudo docker compose up -d
Create API Token in Cloudflare
Navigate to My Profile in the top-right of your Cloudflare dashboard.
Select API Tokens from the left-hand sidebar
Select Create Token
Select Edit Zone DNS Use template
Select edit and read permissions for DNS for all zones or the zone of your domain.
Edit API token and Cloudflare email in the cloudflare.ini file located in /var/www/hudu2/config/dns-conf
The two lines that should be in the ini file that you'll need to edit:
dns_cloudflare_email = -
dns_cloudflare_api_key = f62ab346443fc593333deac6a18dba04532c6
If using API token:
- Comment out the email.
- Change 'key' to 'token'.
If using API token, run:
certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenges dns -d
Copy the 'unique_token_provided_by_cerbot' value.
Then create a TXT record for:
Pasting the 'unique_token_provided_by_certbot' into the Content of the TXT record.
If you wish to use your Cloudflare Global API Key:
Make sure the second line is set to use api 'key':
- dns_cloudflare_api_key
- include the dns_cloudflare_email line.
Bring Docker down and back up by running:
cd ~/hudu2 sudo docker compose down && sudo docker compose up -d