Make sure you make a backup and a snapshot of the instance prior to performing these or any other configuration changes! These actions can be destructive.
1. First make a backup of the database
Manual Backup of Hudu Postgres
- Login into the server you want to back up.
- Run cd ~/hudu2
- Make sure the server is up and running.
- Run:
sudo docker compose exec -T db pg_dump -U postgres hudu_production >> NAME-OF-DUMP.sql
- This file can now be moved and stored in a secure place if needed for an additional database backup.
- Bring your instance down. Run
sudo docker compose down
2. Delete the database volume
sudo docker volume ls
sudo docker volume rm hudu2_postgres_data
3. Edit the ~/hudu2/docker-compose.yml file and replace the version with the version you wish to update to (current version 3/27/24 is 16.2).
image: 'postgres:16.2'
restart: unless-stopped
- postgres_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
4. Take the instance back up
cd ~/hudu2
sudo docker compose up -d
5. Restore the database
- Move the .sql database dump file into the ~/hudu2 directory if needed. Typically, the easiest way to move files is via SCP or SFTP.
- Run:
sudo docker compose down
to bring your instance down. - Run:
sudo docker compose up -d db
- Run the command:
sudo docker compose exec db dropdb hudu_production -U postgres
- Run the command:
sudo docker compose exec db createdb hudu_production -U postgres
- Run the command:
cat NAME-OF-DUMP.sql | sudo docker compose exec -T db psql -d hudu_production -U postgres
- Run:
sudo docker compose down
- Run:
sudo docker compose up -d
to get your instance back up and running!
6. TEST by confirming the site comes back up. This process can take a few minutes. Test that the data from the database is back and working.
Please visit our Self-Hosted Backup and Restores article to update your automatic backup script to be compatible with the new Postgres version.