Exporting Data

    The ability to export data out of your Hudu environment is limited to super admin user roles within your organization.


Data stored within your Hudu environment can be exported in various different ways, including manually, into PDF or CSV formats; or by running automatic, weekly CSV exports.

Individual items stored within Hudu also come equipped with a "Generate Printable Version" button (Passwords, KB articles, Processes, Websites, and Assets), for generating a PDF view of the individual item.



To start exporting data, as a super admin, navigate to the Hudu admin area >>  Exports.

PDF Handoffs

Generate and download a copy of a client's data in a PDF format.

Choose a client in the selection field, and click to include the information types you'd like to export from the list of options.

You will receive an email when the export is complete; as well as the export will appear in the exports area for a short time.

    A client's processes and KB articles cannot be exported into PDF versions via the export tab.

Use Cases

  • Single-out data types for export per client [space].
  • Off-site use.
    • PDF is the most readable format to print off for technicians.
  • PDF exports will appear directly in Hudu (underneath the PDF column in exports)
    • These will only last for a small amount of time (~10 minutes to export)


Generate and download a copy of your data in CSV format.

Either choose a client [space] in the selection field and click to export the individual clients' data in CSV format;


Leave the selection field blank to generate a CSV export containing data from ALL of your clients.

Use Cases

  • Export out all data from a single client in an importable format (used for off-boarding clients).
  • Export out all data from all clients in an importable format.
  • Manual CSV exports will appear directly in Hudu (underneath the CSV column in exports).

Automatic Exports

Enter your Amazon S3 (or any S3-compatible service) credentials and we will automatically export .csv versions of your data (Clients, Knowledge Base Articles, Passwords, Relations, and Assets) every week.

We recommend running a test export first to make sure that your S3 credentials are correct.

Use Cases

  • CSV export (but always global) and puts it into a bucket of your choice
    • Easiest: Wasabi or DigitalOcean spaces.
    • Most Powerful: Amazon
  • Always copies each week (Sunday)


Additional Information

The sections below provide helpful tips when running Automatic Exports. Click to expand the section!

Notes on Passwords

While files will be encrypted if the service supports AES 256-bit encryption (most do), once opened, passwords will be readable in plain text.

Common Gotchas
  • Not having https:// in front of the endpoint.
  • Your provider is offline or doing scheduled maintenance.
  • Not being patient. Exporting can take a while.
  • Incorrect region. Make sure this matches exactly.
  • Incorrect credentials. Make sure all information is correct.
  • Not using an Amazon S3-compatible storage provider.
  • Using the root credentials. Create an IAM user instead with the ability to write to this bucket.



Provided below are some example credentials for our support providers. Click on the provider to expand the section!

Amazon S3 Example
  • Bucket: MYBUCKET
  • Region: us-east-1
  • Public key: XXXX
  • Private key: XXXXXXX
  • Endpoint: Leave blank!
  • Enable Encryption: Yes!
Wasabi Example
  • Bucket: MYBUCKET
  • Region: us-east-2
  • Public key: XXXX
  • Private key: XXXXXXX
  • Endpoint: https://s3.us-east-2.wasabisys.com
  • Enable Encryption: Yes!
DigitalOcean Spaces Example
  • Bucket: MYBUCKET
  • Region: nyc3 (must match the subdomain of the endpoint)
  • Public key: XXXX
  • Private key: XXXXXXX
  • Endpoint: https://nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com
  • Enable Encryption: No - automatically set and will error out if you do set it.
NetDepot S3 Example
  • Bucket: MYBUCKET
  • Region: us-central-1
  • Public key: XXXX
  • Private key: XXXXXXX
  • Endpoint: https://us-central-1-s3.netdepot.com
  • Enable Encryption: No - automatically set and will error out if you do set it.


Printable Versions

PDF or "Printable" versions can be generated for nearly every individual item stored within your Hudu environment. To generate printable versions:

  • Navigate to an individual item stored within one of your spaces (i.e. a single KB article, password, asset, etc.).
  • In the top right click Printer Icon then select Printable Version.
    • Depending on your Hudu version and the information type, it could instead say View PDF.
  • This will open the information in PDF format, in a new window.



Manual exports not showing up.

Answer: PDF and CSV exports will email the super-admin accounts when the export is complete. Be patient; exports can take a while to complete. Contact us if the super admin does not receive an email.

Received an email confirming the export is complete, but I can't find it.

Answer: Manual exports, when complete, will appear in the Hudu admin area >> Exports tab; under their respective export column. If you do not see the export, try refreshing the page. Your export may have also expired.

Can I export integration cards?

Answer: Asset data stored within integration cards cannot be exported through Hudu; only asset information that is contained within your custom asset layout fields (imported or manually input).

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