The bottom navigation bar is present throughout most screens within the Hudu mobile app. Therefore, it is the best way to navigate through the main non-client-specific features of the mobile app.
You'll find that the bottom navigation bar of the mobile app uses a similar layout to the top navigation bar used to access different sections of the Hudu main app.
From left to right those sections are as follows:
- Dashboard
- Clients List
- Knowledge Base
- My Vault
- Action Button (Floating)
This article will give a brief description of what you have access to within each of the above sections. To access different sections, tap the respective icon of the bottom navigation bar.
Access the dashboard by tapping the Dashboard icon on the bottom navigation bar. The dashboard section is used to access information specific to your profile within your Hudu instance. The main features of the profile drawer are to:
- Display Favorited Passwords, Clients, or Knowledge Base Articles.
- Display Recently Accessed Passwords or Clients.
Switch between favorites and recent items by tapping the respective tabs.
Switch between favorited clients, passwords or KB articles by tapping the respective icon under the favorites/recents selector, the icons follow the aforementioned order from left to right.
Any element within the currently displayed favorites list can be tapped to display the details of the selected favorite.
Recent Passwords
Passwords are added to this list when you click into a password.
- A maximum of 20 passwords can be stored in the list.
- Once 20 passwords have been accessed, the oldest will be removed from the list.
- Any element within the recent password list can be tapped to display the details of the selected password.
The recent passwords list is cleared upon you connecting to a different instance of Hudu. However, you may manually clear the list at any time by tapping the clear button and confirming the action.
Clients List
Access the clients by tapping the respective icon on the bottom navigation bar. The client's list section is used to quickly access clients within your Hudu instance. The main features of the client's list are to:
- Display Favorited Clients
- Display All Clients
- Display a Count of Clients
Switch between favorites and all by tapping the respective tabs.
Finding a client
- Scrub quickly through the "All" clients list by tapping and dragging along the alphabetical column of letters.
- As the list is scrolled, password and kb article counts for each client will be fetched and displayed under the company name.
- Tap any client within the favorites or all clients list to display its client-specific features.
- You may also tap either the kb article or key icon within the list element to display kb articles or passwords respectively.
Knowledge Base
Access the Global KB by tapping the Global KB icon on the bottom navigation bar. The KB section is used to access global articles within your Hudu instance. The main features of the Global KB are to:
- Display Global KB Articles
- Search KB Articles
- Display KB Articles Filtered by Folder
On app startup, the KB section will display global KB articles as indicated by the top text and icon.
Client-Specific KB Access
- You can access the client-specific KB by finding a client from the client list, favorites, or search.
- Tap on the KB article icon on that company.
- If you are already in the client and wish to view that client's knowledge base, select KB from the dropdown at the top.
Selecting an article
- Within either the global or client-specific KB, the name of the KB article displays as a list element.
- Tap any article title to display the respective KB article.
- The list element will contain a green people icon if it is publicly available from your Hudu instance.
My Vault
Access your vault by tapping the person-lock icon on the bottom navigation bar. The My Vault section is used to access your vault passwords stored within your Hudu instance. The main features of the vault are to:
- Display Vault Passwords
- Search Vault Passwords
Any element within the vault passwords list can be tapped to display the details of the selected password.
Action Button (Floating)
The floating action button has an extended menu that is accessed by tapping the plus icon on the bottom right just above navigation bar. The displayed menu is the starting point for adding any new content to your Hudu instance from the mobile app. You may add any of the following types of data:
- Client Passwords
- Vault Passwords
- Processes
- KB Articles
- Photos
Tap an icon in the extended menu to display the respective add content screen.
Select the Photo option from the floating action button to take a photo and upload to Hudu or choose a photo from your phone's photo gallery to upload to Hudu. The main features of the Photo action item are:
- Take a photo and upload it to a company.
- This can be done both within and outside of the app.
- Upload an existing photo or photos to a company.
- This can be done both within and outside of the app.
- Assign photos to a parent asset (if one exists).
- Zoom in when viewing a photo.
- Pin/Unpin a photo.
- Rename a photo.
- Delete a photo.
- View a company's existing photo gallery.
- Open a photo and swipe through the company's existing photo gallery.
- Search existing photos by name.
- Sort photos by newest, oldest, name a-z, or name z-a.
- Toggle your photo gallery between large grid, small grid, and list view.
- Navigate to an asset from a related photo.
Assets can now be viewed in the mobile app!
Click into a company and select Assets from the drop-down menu at the top.
Select Assets to:
- View a list of all assets in a given asset layout and sort them by name, date created, or date updated.
- View assets within the mobile app.
- Open online version of an asset.
- Search for assets in the search tab.
- View assets that you have recently interacted with via the "Recents" tab on your dashboard.
- View a count of how many assets exist within a given company.
Answer: 100 MB max. Accepts .jpeg, .jpg, .png, and HEIC file types.
Answer: Yes, the mobile app will automatically convert it to a .jpg.
Answer: There are a few things you can do in the app that you can't currently do via the web:
- You can upload HEIC photos via the mobile app and they will automatically be converted to .jpgs.
- You can rename a photo and assign it to a parent asset at the time of upload when using the mobile app.
Answer: No. You can upload a photo to the Hudu app directly from your camera roll by selecting the photo(s), tapping the “share” button in your phone’s OS, then selecting the Hudu app. However, you do need to be signed into the Hudu app in order to upload photos from your camera roll.
Answer: If you are not currently viewing a company in the Hudu app, you’ll need to select a company to upload the photos to. If you are already viewing a company in the app, that company will be prefilled when you go to upload a photo. You can change the company if needed.
Answer: The first time you open the camera during a session, the button will be an icon. After you’ve viewed your camera gallery once, it will display the most recent photo on your camera roll. This is due to the way we load photos in, and it helps the camera app run faster.
Answer: Buttons do not use theme colors when you are outside the app.
Answer: Your instance of Hudu must be on release 2.33.1 and your mobile device must be on iOS 15/Android 10 (Quince Tart) at a minimum to function.
Answer: At this time you can view an asset in the app. We plan to add the ability to edit assets in a future version. In the meantime, you can open an online version of the asset from within the app to access all asset features.
Answer: All assets in the mobile app have a title to indicate where the data in a given section of an asset is coming from. If the data is coming from Hudu, the title says "In Hudu". If the data is coming from another app via an integration, it will say "From [integration name]."